Dates and details for 2025 coming soon
Dates and details for 2025 coming soon

5 September 2016

Bewley’s Team Set Out on #cycle4hospice Supporting #coffee4hospice

The six staff members of the Bewley’s cycling team set out early Saturday morning from Bewley’s headquarters in Northern Cross. They took a spin by City Quay to see the newly-erected Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning banner which will raise great awareness of the campaign.  Next stop was OLH Harold’s cross where the team met with Eleanor, Philip and all the amazing staff for some much needed hot tea, coffee and goodies.

After that, the cycling team headed out of the city on the road to Limerick. 210km later they pulled into the Maldron Hotel Limerick for some dry clothes and well-deserved rest. Sunday morning, the cyclists were up early to meet Pat, Cathy and the team at Milford Hospice Limerick. They were impressed to hear of their plan to increase hospice care beds for the mid-west region by the end of 2017 with the building of a new wing.

The Bewley’s team were on the road again to Cahercalla Hospice. There they presented Mary of Cahercalla Hospice, Clare with a cheque for €1,000.  The Bewley’s team were highly impressed with the passion, kindness and care the staff of Cahercalla provide for the people of Clare.  Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice is Cahercalla’s biggest fundraiser for the year so please support them on Thursday 15th Sept.

This morning, the team visited Galway Hospice after a stop off at Galway Bay FM. The cyclists were delighted to see that, since they last visited them in September 2015, the Hospice had added a 6 bed extension to their facilities.  Lending their support to Michael, Mary and all the Galway hospice staff were both the Connacht rugby team and Rosie Burke, the Galway Rose.

The Bewley’s team are currently on the road to Carrick on Shannon and tomorrow they’ll be en route to St. Francis Hospice, Raheny to finish their journey with Dee and the team there. They’re tracking their journey on Twitter with #coffee4hospice

Hospice Cycle_Mon Galway Hospice Hospice Cycle_Mon Galway Rugby Rose

Hospice Cycle_Mon Galway Rose Bike Hospice Cycle_Sat Harold's Cross Hospice Cycle_Sun Cahercalla Hospice Cycle_Sun Milford Limerick

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A Huge THANK YOU to all of our wonderful supporters